Ingjärd Pehrsdotter
Blev 56 år.
Född: | | 1757-06-13 Björnerud, Älgå (S) 1) |
Död: | | 1813-07-11 Östra Skyberg, Älgå (S) 1) |
Familj med Erik Andersson (1758 - 1824)
Vigsel: | | 1784-12-27 Älgå (S) 1) |
Noteringar |
born June 13, 1757 at Bjornnerud. She was the 21st child born in that parish and was baptized June 15, 1757 by Mag. Waldenstrom. Ingjard was 15 when her mother died she continued to dwell at Bjornnerud with her brother Mattes till 1776. That year he removed to Gridsbyn and she removed to Byn. In 1777 she removed to Wennerud in Alga parish. She remained there till 1778. In 1780 she came to Stridsbohl and in 1783 she removed to Gridsbohl. In all this time she was listed as a 'thigan' or female farm hand. It was at the village of Grinsbohl that Ingjard met a farm hand named Erik Andersson (See Eriksson, Table 6). They married Dec. 27, 1784 at Grinsbohl. There they remained till 1787 and removed to Mellgardh. About 1800 they came to the village of Ostra Skyberg. She and Erik had three daughters. Ingjard died there July 11, 1813 of a lung illness. Her mortal remains were buried July 18, 1813. |